Monday, June 14, 2010

Wash your mouth out James M. Kilts! Shame on you!

Well this downsizing just took me down a road not expected. I always thought of Gillette as nice American as you can get.. but while searching for the history of this razor blades Ebay listing I opened a commentary on razor blades by the above foul mouthed name with more nasty words than most  uncool teenage facebookers use in a month. WHYYYYY is that necessary! Checking him out on his accomplishments he seems impressive so why was it necessary for this type of writing???? What you put in writing online doesn't go away. Why do our kids have to read this stuff and think this  is a part of being successful. We owe the next generations our best. ..not lies...not foo foo stuff... but we do owe them our best sides!

If you are interested in buying these razor blades (He's not with Gillette now) click here:

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