Friday, June 25, 2010

Foul Mouth Hall of Shame

Happy Friday all you Fellow Downsizers!

Often while I am listing and researching my "downsizing gems" I bump into something that is very exciting or disgusting and it happened again.   

 Don't these pathetic people with online foulmouths  ever remember that words online NEVER go away!!They are there if you are being considered for a new job! They are there if you end  up running for a political office. They are there if  you apply to enter a college. They are there for your kids and grandkids and other people who respect, admire and love you to see forever! They are there for kids to think if these neat people  do that is "cool" to do that. If  you doubt that,  just scan the feedback under these videos! These words and actions are there even after you die.

Look,  I don't know what John Wayne did in private but he didn't need these words that are used today to get people to enjoy a movie.

I think today's foulmouths are just too lazy or too stupid to dig appropriate fitting words out of their brains to use to express their emotions.

So here is my idea:
I am making an Online/Movie/TV Foul Mouth Hall of Shame on my blog to point out these loosers.
Everyone who reads this Hall of Shame and cares about the youth influenced by these foulmouths consider saying a prayer for each of  these foulmouths to stop using these words online, on tv and in movies. Say a prayer that their lives change for the better so that they don't feel so out of control and that they can use their words and  their talents to achieve for what they value in life and pass that on!    

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